
Best Saccos in Kenya

Best Saccos in Kenya

Best Saccos In Kenya

They say that for one to secure their future and that of their kids, saving should be an initial step for that. Since saving and long term investments are crucial, one oughts to find the Best Saccos In Kenya to invest to.

These Saccos provide the investors with a variety of opportunities. A Sacco is regarded as a micro financing amenity that makes investment easy and acts as a vanguard of a safe future.

Most Kenyans however are afraid of being scammed as stories have always emerged of unscrupulous and unregistered saccos having duped people and fleeced investors money.

To cub this, one oughts to secure their money in a registered Sacco. The SACCO Societies Regulatory Authority (SASRA) is the government’s principal agency responsible for the supervision and regulation of SACCO Societies in Kenya.

What is the role of SASRA

It is a statutory state corporation that was established under the Sacco Societies Act (Cap 490 B) of Kenya’s law.

It gets to regulate the deposit taking Saccos in the country. It also gets to license the the SACCOS in accordance to the Sacco Societies Act of 2008.

Before a Sacco is registered, it has to comply with all the SASRA regulations hence an individual has to know the saccos registered. This only becomes easier since SASRA posts SACCOS every financial year.

Below is a list Best Saccos in Kenya Registered  under SASRA;

1. Stima SACCO

This is one of the best performing saccos in Kenya with the best loan services. Having been set up in 1974, its among the trusted saccos.

It offers competitive interest rates and provides various loan products that meet the membership wants.

It is also known for its consistent payment of dividends hence reliable for financial stability. It has a google rating of 4.2 after 310 reviews.

Head office

Stima sacco plaza Mushembi Road, Parklands

Contact number

+(254) 703 024 000


2. Kenya Police Sacco

Established in 1972 with the aim of taking care of financial needs of Kenya Police Force personnel, KPS is a reliable Sacco.

With a strong emphasis on good management practices, SACCO offers various loan products with favorable terms.

Deposits are shared promptly and consistently, enhancing the financial security of its members.

Kenya Police Sacco Head office

Ngara Road, off Muranga Road,

Kenya Police Sacco Contact

+254709 825 000


2. Kenya Bankers SACCO

The Sacco was established in 1975 to serve employees in the banking industry.
You get to enjoy many benefits as a member, including low-interest rates on loans, investment opportunities, high returns on deposits, and building a cash reserve.
The loans are offered to members at affordable rates.

Head office

Nairobi – 3rd Ngong Avenue, off Ngong Road


+254 205146500 Email

3. Unaitas SACCO

Unaitas SACCO is another reputable and Performing Saccos in Kenya, known for its excellent management practices.

It offers a wide range of loan products, including business loans, asset financing, and emergency loans.
Unaitas SACCO is also recognized for its consistent dividend payment, which has contributed to its growing popularity among members.

Unaitas Head office

Cardinal Otunga Plaza Next to Holy Family Basilica, Cardinal Otunga road, Nairobi

Unaitas Contact number



4. Mwalimu National SACCO

Mwalimu National SACCO caters specifically to the needs of teachers in Kenya.

It boasts efficient management and provides affordable loans to its members.

The SACCO is renowned for its competitive interest rates and hassle-free loan application process.

Dividends are also distributed regularly, ensuring the financial well-being of its members.

Head office

Mwalimu Towers, Hill Lane, Off-Mara Road, Upperhill

Contact number

+254 709 898 000


5. Sheria SACCO

Sheria Sacco was formally registered in 1972. Its membership has been growing over the years, boasting over 10,000 members.

The members are pooled from the Judiciary, AG chambers, different government ministries, private sector employees, and any Kenyan above 18 years with an income.

It is one of the best-managed Saccos in the country that has been licensed to take deposits. Sheria Sacco seeks to empower its members economically by mobilizing savings and providing affordable credit services.

Head office

Matumbato Close, Upperhill, Nairobi


+254 20 780 1500


6. Harambee SACCO

It has multiple savings accounts to suit the Kenyan market.
Harambee Sacco also boasts of a wide range of loan products, including
  • Development loans
  • Emergency loans
  • Jisaidie loans
  • School fees loans

Harambee Sacco Head office

Harambee Coop Plaza, Haile Selassie Avenue

Harambee Sacco Contact number

+254 709 943 000

Harambee Sacco Email

7. Hazina SACCO

Hazina Sacco started operations in 1971 and is regulated by SASRA.
Its main objective is to promote thrift and savings amongst the members, thereby creating a source of loanable funds.
Initially, the Society drew its membership from the Ministry of Finance and Planning.
Its members are drawn from other ministries, parastatals, county governments and the private sector. The Sacco boasts more than 18,000 active members. 

Head office

Kibera Road Off Ngong Road, Behind Shell Petrol Station Contact number

020-2719098 / 020-2722106 /020-2428634



United Nations Sacco is one of the best-managed Saccos in the country and has been in operation for over 40 years.
The UN Sacco was among the first to be registered by SASRA as a deposit-taking Sacco after it fulfilled all the required conditions.
Its employees are drawn from the United Nations agencies, international organizations, and diplomatic missions.
It boasts 15 loan products and has subscribed to the Cooperative Bank Sacco-link visa debit card to enable its members to access their accounts from anywhere in the world where there is visa access.

Head office

United Nations Complex, UN Avenue, Gigiri, Nairobi

Contact number

+254 20 512 2700/+254 20 762 2700


9. Waumini Sacco Society Limited

Waumini Sacco Society Limited is a Savings and Credit Co-operative Society Limited registered in 1980 under the Co-operative Societies Act of the Laws of Kenya.

The Sacco primarily mobilizes Savings and Deposits and extends credit to its members, empowering them economically and socially.

The Sacco draws its membership from Employees of Catholic organizations in Kenya. The Sacco Currently has over 9,500 members drawn from over 500 Catholic organizations in the 26 Catholic Dioceses in Kenya.

Waumini Head office

Ngong Road, Applewood Adams Building, Adams Arcade, 2nd Floor

Waumini Contact

+254 709 052000


10. Kuscco Sacco

The Kenya Union of Savings and Credit Cooperatives (Kuscco) is the umbrella organization of Saccos in Kenya.

It was registered on September 27, 1973, to advocate for a level environment in which Sacco’s can do business and provide quality, diversified, innovative and market-driven financial and technical service.

Kuscco head office


Kuscco contacts

+254 20 2730191


In conclusion, Kenya boasts several exemplary Savings and Credit Cooperative Societies (Saccos) that have consistently demonstrated financial stability, member-centric services, and robust community impact.

These Best Saccos in Kenya play a vital role in promoting financial inclusion and socioeconomic development across the nation.

In order to join these SACCOS, a membership fee is always asked for. This fee however depends on the SACCO and its rules and regulation. Most of the fees ranges from 1000 to 3000 KES.


1. Which SACCO is best in Kenya


Hazina SACCO

Waumini SACCO

Unaitas SACCO

2. How much do i need to join a SACCO?

Between 1000-3000. The membership registration fee depends however depends on the SACCO.

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