
Malware-infected Rogue Installer for Windows 11

Early adopters who try to get a sneak peek of Windows 11 through illicit routes can get a nasty surprise: malware. According to Kaspersky Lab, an unofficial installer that claims to install the next version of Microsoft’s windows operating system on a user’s machine but actually carries a harmful payload is circulating in the wild.

Kaspersky gives an example of an executable file that is mostly made up of a single DLL file filled with irrelevant information. In a post on the Kaspersky Daily blog, Anton V. Ivanov, the company’s vice president of threat research, stated that when you open the file, it launches an installer that looks like any other Windows wizard. This installer, on the other hand, is designed to download a second executable file.

Hackers do this to gain access to a user’s computer using backdoors. Attackers can manipulate all parts of a Windows user’s environment by inserting this backdoor, resulting in a complete loss of privacy. Ironically, updating to Windows 11 is designed to make machines that run the operating system more secure. As a result, the safest option is to wait for the official Windows 10 software upgrade.


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