
Two more suspects including suspended police officer arrested over abduction murder of Utawala taxi driver

Two more suspects among them an interdicted police officer connected to the abduction, murder of taxi driver Evans Bukindo Moracha who was abducted and killed earlier this month have been arrested. They were arrested by Nairobi Region Crime Research detective following a long night Operation in Nyeri county and Kajiando county on Thursday.

The two were arrested in Nyeri’s Ruringu Village and Olekasasi -Ongata Rongai in Kajiando North respectively. Stanley Collins Muthukia and Kennedy Murimi Kinyua are believed to have been confederates of the main suspect who is the wife of the deceased.

The body of Evans Bukindo Moracha was recovered at Maragua Dam on October 14. The deceased dissipation was reported by his wife at Mihang’o police station on 14th October indicating him and his personal vehicle a Toyota Vitz had been missing for three days. Source informed citizen digital that Muthike and Murimi were arrested on Friday by Nairobi Region Crime Research detective acting on actionable intelligence information on the perpetrators.

The first to be imprisoned was Muthike who was seized in Nyeri Ruringu Village and upon interrogation led the detective to Olekasasi Ward within Ongata Rongai township where Murimi was arrested. According to the information given by the police, Murimi is a police constable driver stationed at Akila police station in Lang’ata but is currently under interdiction following desertion. The two are detained at Capitol Hill and Kilimani police stations.

According to the information given by the DCI, preliminary findings indicates that Mochara did not disappear, but he was picked from his house by the two men on the night of October 11, in presence of her better half. His body was later found dumped two days after he went missing from his home in Mihang’o area of Utawala in Nairobi. The body lay naked and had multiple head injuries.

Stanely Collins Muthukia and Kennedy Murimi Kinyua arrested. (Twitter)

Police took the body to Murang’a level five hospital Mortuary for autopsy and identification through fingerprint and analysis at the national registration Bureau offices where it was identified as that of Moracha whose wife had reported his missing. Detectives later took over the manhunt for the faces behind the murder.

After running a profile of the second suspect, the detective found him to be a police officer. The main suspect of the murder is Teresia who is Mocharas wife.

Teresia who is the prime suspect in her in her husband’s disappearance and subsequent murder was arrested a week later after filing a suspicious missing person report. She was presented at Makandara Law Courts on Monday where the police initially sought a heterogeneous appreciation to detain her for an additional seven days.

In the meantime, forensic -led intelligence has since revealed a well choreography murder plot that challenges the mere disappearance and sudden death out the 47-year-old Moracha. Detectives have established that day later after Moracha disappearance. His car was driven back whereby 06:50 am the vehicle was seen in Kasarani, Nairobi and later at the Astrol petrol station in Runda before moving onto Gitaru and then to Ongata Rongai at 10:02 am. Later it was spotted few kilometers from his home.

The investigation is ongoing.


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