
9.1 million of 94.9million shillings recovered as 4 Quickmart heist suspects arrested

About 9.1 million shillings out of the 94 that was stolen from Quick Mart by Well Fargo employees have been recovered in Nairobi Kasarani area.

The suspects were arrested at Rongai, Kayole and Thika Road in an operation on Saturday November 11.

A getaway car that was used by the suspects to escape with the loot on November 6 was recovered in Rongai.

According to police, the car was identified through surveillance cameras on the highways where it passed from South C to Karen.

The money was from the weekend sales of Quickmart supermarket and was meant to be taken to a local bank in the Nairobi CBD when it was stolen. A suspect that was identified as the owner of the vehicle used in escape in the heist, was first arrested in Rongai before he led the police to Njiru, Kayole where two more were found and arrested.

It is believed it is the place where the cash was shared among the suspects hours after the heist at the Wells Fargo vault in South C.

Detectives from Langata and Nairobi Area regional police command are pursuing the case and said they hope to recover more money.

The Directorate of Criminal Investigations (DCI) had released images of two Wells Fargo staff who disappeared with the Sh94 million Monday morning.

The suspects who were identified as Daniel Mungai Mugetha (crew commander) and Anthony Nduiki Waigumo (driver) made away with the company’s truck shortly after the money-box was loaded, leaving behind the police escort car that was waiting to be flagged off. The two have not yet been found.

“Oblivious that the truck no. KBA 517T they were to escort had minutes earlier snaked away, the armed escort team went to enquire from the management why the loading was taking too long,” the DCI said.

By the time, neither the truck nor the crew members could be traced.

The police who were waiting to escort the cash from the company vault said they did not know the vehicle had left until after almost an hour later.

Officials said the vehicle was destined to a bank located at Nairobi’s Kenyatta Avenue, ferrying the cash belonging to Quickmart Supermarket.

Police in Lang’ata were mobilized to pursue the the two suspects, only to trace the empty truck abandoned in South C.

A special operations team has since been deployed to pursue the suspects.

Police suspect an inside job in the latest drama and have visited the rural homes of the two suspects as part of the probe into the same.

Police said they hope to recover the money and arrest more suspects for prosecution.


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