
Courts bars deployment of officers to Haiti

On 24th Tuesday, a Nairobi court barred the deployment of police officers  from kenya to Haiti.

This is after a petition was made to the court led by Judge Mwita to stop the process.

“This court became seized of this matter earlier than everyone else and it would not make any sense for it to set aside or allow the interim orders to lapse,”explained the high court judge Enock Chacha Mwita.

The petition was tabled by the leader of Third Way Alliance party and two others on grounds that the process of deployment is not in any ay constitutional and was not backed up by any law.

According to the lawyer,the constitution does not allow deployment of officers outside Kenya unless it’s a matter of importance or of public interest. The deployment can only be done in accordance to provisions of the constitution.

“As a matter of international notoriety, there is currently no elected government in Haiti. Kenya does not have an Embassy in Haiti,” reads court papers.

The matter had already been consented by the cabinet and was waiting for the parliament’s approval when Aukot and the counterparts tabled the petition saying that it was in contempt and he was rest to take legal actions on the cabinet if the process was not brought into a halt.

Aukot expressed his happiness about the decisions made terming the orders as “even better”.

Even though Kenya has been a part of peace making process in many countries like the Democratic Republic of Congo and Somalia, Kenyans and other people online have been questioning the decisionof deployment of officers to Haiti.

This is because police officers from Kenya are used to applying force when dealing with civilians especially during protests.

It is something that has been hitting headlines in other countries when Kenyan officers are even subjected to extra judicial killings hence taking them to Haiti will be a bit risky.

(Additional report by AFP)



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