
Government has increased bursaries under the Constituencies Development Fund(CDF) to ensure smooth learning in all institution.

Government has increased bursaries under the Constituencies Development Fund(CDF) to ensure smooth learning in all institution. President William Ruto has assented to the National Government Constituencies Development Fund (Amendment) Bill into law.

The law now increases the bursary fund allocation from 35 percent to 40 percent.

In the Act, CDF allocation on environmental activities has also been increased from two percent to five percent to fund for climate crisis.

The Act has further introduced a three percent allocation of the fund for constituencies’ digital hubs.

The head of state also assented to the National Lottery Bill (National Assembly Bill No. 69 of 2023) to enable the establishment of the National Lottery Board.


Giving  a comment on the same, the Majority leader Kimani Ichung’wa noted that the increase would cater for school feeding programmes in schools across the country.

“This will check drop-outs, boost enrollment, and further the Government’s efforts to increase literacy,” Kimani Ichungw’ah stated.


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