
Kitale trader who killed a woman he had mistaken for Caroline kagongo found dead

Mr Kennedy Muyongo in July this year mistook a lady by the name Phanice Chemutai Juma who was 20 years of age with the late fugitive female officer Caroline Kangogo who was by then wanted for the murder of two men in Nakuru and Thika and killed her by a bullet.

Mr Kennedy had defended himself saying he had shot Chemutai on suspicion that she was Caroline. Appearing before the courts he denied the charges of attempted murder with his lawyer Cliff Ombeta requesting that the accused be released on bond as he had a medical issue that needed attention.

Cliff Ombeta justifying that his client did not intend to cause any harm requested the court to grant him more time to recuperate before resuming the case.

According to his mother, Muyondo had been ill for sometime and he had been under medication and that the shooting incident had affected him greatly leading to excessive alcohol consumption.

She said that he had contracted Covid 19 which was later followed by a blood clot and hence he had been nursing himself for sometime.

Muyondo who was 58 years and a great businessman owned several local eateries by name Iroko hotels in Kitale town. His lifeless body was discovered in his bedroom on the floor after he had gone missing for few hours.

Before his passing on tuesday, he had been spotted at a local club Monday evening buying anyone who cared for a drink and he was all happy only to pass on following day.

The cause of his death is not yet known but investigation are underway to determine what really happened.



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