
President Ruto tells leaders to respect the church

Current President of Kenya, William Samoei Ruto has cautioned leaders in the Kenya Kwanza government of exchanging bitter words to be careful when using such words before the church. Speaking on Sunday, William Ruto said at times he finds it a challenge to control what leaders in his government speak.

President William Ruto was at the ACK Diocese of Eldoret during it’s 40th anniversary service, at Uasin Gishu.

“Najua ni wengi wangependa kuongea hapa lakini mnajua hapo awali kanisa walituambia tunakujua na kelele mingi na wanasiasa tunavunja,” Ruto said.

However, the President said that he is trying to tame the leaders

” Watu wakanisa mtaniruhusu ni jaribu kunyorosha hii watu wangu  wapate nidhamu kama watu wa kanisa. Tunajifunza kutoka kwa watu wakanisa.Nikona kazi ngumu lakini nitajaribu kuwaweka laini.”

The Head of State urged the political leaders to respect the church and stop politicking at the pulpit.

The President revealed that in the morning before the church service, he sat with the leaders and agreed on how they should behave when they are at the pulpit in churches.

President William Ruto cautioned the leaders to respect the church.

” It is true as politicians we sometimes forget we are at the pulpit and start politicking. But we have agreed that moving forward we will respect the church and avoid some utterances,” William Ruto added.

His remarks came after a rift emerged among his allies on Saturday over the implementation of key projects in the Rift Valley.

Transport and Roads Cabinet Secretary (CS) Kipchumba Murkomen and Nandi Senator Samson Cherargei on Friday exchanged bitter words over roads contracts.

Murkomen told off Cherargei over the senator’s earlier remarks that a contractor from his local community should be awarded a roads tender in the county.

While communicating using the Kalenjin landuage, the Carbinet secretary (CS). strongly criticized Cherargei for allegedly opposing one of the contractor choosen to pave a road simply because he was not a Kalenjin. The furious Carbinet secretary told the senator that at least president William Ruto was not using ‘ his brain ‘.

“Cherargei, I want to teach you something. If William Ruto the president was using a brain like yours, we would not be having the country now. And I am telling you the facts about it,” Said Murkomen. The government was awarding contract fairly without room for tribalism.

“When I came here , I told you that Mosoriot town town has a university college and others and need to built and we have announced the tender and I didn’t know who will get it and I have just heard it from Cherargei because I don’t follow tendering process, it’s Cherargei,” said the CS.

Before Murkomen addressed the mourners, Cherargei advocated for the allocation of a road project to a local contractor , emphasizing that the move will be of importance to the residents. “Thank you CS for coming, a few  people will tell you the truth. Work in Nandi is not good,”Cherargei said.

“I hear that people are saying that they want to bring people from other community to be contractors.Give our children the priority of work as contractor because if we don’t teach them we won’t be competitive.”

The comment did not sit well with the CS who fired back when he got an opportunity to speak warning that Cherargei philosophy was regressive in the community in long run.



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