
SOTN: President’s bucket of vows and promises

The moment that tired Kenyans had been waiting for, for the state of the nation to be addressed arrived and the nation leader according to Article 132(1)(c) performed the task.

He stood before the two assemblies and ears were set to listen to him as he addressed Key issues that affect Kenyans.

“The occasion requires me to give an account, to the people of Kenya, measures taken by their government, under my leadership, and to give full expression and effect to the soul of our constitutional dispensation by implementing the National Values and Principles of governance set out in Article 10.2. I have a substantial report to give on the progress made in fulfilling this solemn covenant, and that the journey of transforming Kenya for the benefit of present and future generations is fully underway,” the president began.

On the matter of cost of living, the president defended his government saying its not a matter to be changed abruptly but time has to be spent until hunger is addressed. He summarized this as a matter of food insecurity which he was ready to solve.

“…I am committed to put the shame of hunger behind us once and for all. We rolled out a countrywide farmer registration and fertilizer subsidy program that has made available 5.5 million bags to farmers across Kenya. We have progressively reduced the cost of fertilizer from KSh6,500 to KSh2,500, increased maize acreage under production by an extra 200,000 acres and enhanced maize production by an additional 18 million bags,” he said.

“As a result of these interventions, today a 2kg packet of maize flour is selling at a low of KSh145 and a high of KSh175 depending on the brand down from KSh250. A Gorogoro of maize is selling at between KSh60 and KSh75.18. We have also established 22 new fish landing sites in 9 countries the Nyanza and Coast regions, funded and organized management units into cooperatives, set up two hatcheries in Kabonyo and Shimoni and we are in the process of completing the fish processing plant by next month and Shimoni fish port by the end of next year,”

Public borrowing was not left behind since it is a matter of public interest. The President issued an alert that Kenyans have to brace for tougher times since living will not be beyond the limits but within them.

“The time has come, therefore, to retire the false comforts and illusory benefits of wasteful expenditure, and counterproductive subsidies on consumption by which we dug ourselves deeper into the hole of avoidable debt. The new direction may not be easy, but it is ethical, responsible, prudent and, most importantly, necessary. We have had to take hard decisions and make painful choices because we owe it to Kenyans to do the right thing and confront facts as they are without flinching or equivocating.”

About the Hustler Fund that was among the list of his manifesto, the president has promised to increase the funds in order to propel more projects from willing Kenyans.

“The public response to the Hustler Fund has exceeded most initial projections and surprised even the most hardened sceptics. By the end of last month, the Fund had disbursed Ksh.36.6 billion, with Ksh.2.3 billion in savings and 7.5 million repeat borrowers whose overall repayment rate is at an impressive 73 per cent. The top borrower of the fund has so far accessed a total Ksh4.5 million in 816 transactions, while the top voluntary saver is at KSh631,491,” he said.


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