
27 -years -old woman returned home after 17 years

Tears of joy were shed in Olokurto Village at Narok North, Narok county as they cerebrate and illurates the return of the 27 year old Ann who had disappeared after having issues at home 17 years ago which brings sweet reunion.

Anne Wangui disappeared disappeared from home at the age of 10 years due to a disagreement which happened at home and by good luck she managed to be rescued and she was taken to children’s home at Nyeri county. On Teusday 24th October special prayers were held at the Bible Israel Church in Majengo Narok town in respect of Ann Wangui Return and the embrace after the 10 years was special for mother and daughter.

“What happened is that we had a some misunderstanding at home with my mum and by then I was just 10 years when I decided to move away from the village and at Narok county.I came across young lady who directed me and ensured that am at Nairobi safely without any hurm or loosing ways where I entered Nairobi City and entered a children’s home since I had no where to get the shelter,”Ann Wangui said.

Rachael Wanjiku who is Anne Wangui mother stayed that: ” I have been fighting for the past 17 years since she made a decision of staying away from me which is hard to settle without knowing where my child is or where did she go was very stressing since I didn’t know where she was.

Anne Wangui describes how she got rescued and taken to her temporary shelter at Bewomi Beautiful Worship Rehabilitation home center in Nyeri. At her stay at Bewomi she was able to complete her primary education and secondary education and also managed to take a short course in hospitality where later in her four years ago she started she started a mission of finding out her family .

“What brought about my remembarance is that my mother have got unique double figures that can help in easily telling or help recognizing immediately whout struggle,”said Ann Wangui. A good Samaritan who is reffed to as madam Helen said that,” I requested Ann to state from the police station in checking whether their might be person who had reported having misplaced her child in year 200 records in order to Pin and know the  parents. Ann the 27 remember you the one she is onto was among the founder of Lenana primary.” As for her mother Rachael Wanjiku the return of her daughter is a great cerebration and a blessings to her and marks a very fresh start as they start building back to their broken bond in order to have good fruits without giving up with it having hopes that nothing is impossible.

27 year old women who returned home after 17 years of disappearing. ( File : Twitter)

Anne Wangui is trusting that thing will be fine and they will be able to create bond with her mother and other siblings due to the past time that they never lived together and they will be able to cover up on the time that they were not together since she had missed sweet memories with the family members even though she still have time.



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