
Arati’s office under GSU raid

Kisii county, Honorable Simba Arati has on Monday had a long day. This is after officers from the General Service Unit conducted a raid in the offices of the governor.

The governor termed the action as unlawful, and it looked like a ploy to arrest him.

“I was instructed not to enter my office, as GSU officers were strategically stationed at every stadium entry point. I have done no wrong, and if this was indeed part of an ongoing investigation, I would have expected the Directorate of Criminal Investigations (DCI) and Ethics and Anti-Corruption Commission (EACC) to be leading the charge,” he explained.

With no clear intentions, the officers landed the offices and spark fear to the workers at that office located at Gusii stadium. A county staff initially reported that the GSU officers had come to evict the governor from the offices. However, while speaking to journalist, Arati recalled that the officers had promised to conduct a night raid an act which he advised to be attended to at daytime since his residence does not uphold any illegal firearms to warrant night raids.

” Yes, they told me that they wanted to come to my house at night, but I objected. If they want to come, let them do so during daytime when am awake. Let them come during the daytime to check whatever they want but not come to plant false evidence in my house, ” the county boss said.

He further explained that he is not in any way distracting the raid of the GSU officers as per the law.

“This is my territory… I work here and that is why I had to come to my office only to get these officers all over here. We have had a conversation and they have gone,” he said.

The governor pointed a finger of blame to the Interior cabinet secretary for misusing officers whereas other areas needed security.

“This is sheer nonsense, a gross misuse of elite squads to fight non-existent wars,” he said.

This comes after a political altercation between him and the National Assembly majority Whip Mr. Sylvanus Osoro over deployment of officers at boda boda offices with aim to end theft that had been witnessed in those offices.

The governor concluded that today’s raid was only to satisfy selfish egos of some people who he did not mention by name.

He later assured citizens that he will continue to support members of the boda boda Sacco as per the President’s manifesto.

“During his election campaign, President William Ruto promised to address the concerns of boda boda riders. The establishment of the Sacco under my supervision was a fulfillment of that promise. What better contribution could I have made?” Arati questioned.

He alleged that all these were background plans by dark forces which were stronger than him. He attested that their plan was to impeach him and send him home before his tenure ends.

“There are dark and ominous clouds I have seen ahead of me, pray for me. I have heard that some ward reps have been promised Sh500,000 each to start impeachment proceedings against me, kindly pray for me we must win, “he pleaded.

“These are pro-graft forces fighting me. They are mighty, personally, I don’t have much to fight them, they have everything. I am only armed with a strong conviction that I will win,” he added.



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