
Governor Mutua is threatening my life-Lilian Ng’ang’a

The separation between Machakos Governor Alfred Mutua and Lilian Ng’anga has  taken an ugly twist, with the latter accusing Mutua of threatening  her life.

In a press conference accompanied by her lawyer Philip Murgor ,Lilian accused the governor of harassing and gaining access to her car.

“Mr Mutua, accompanied by his police guard, Martin Nzinghi arrived at my apartment parking lot at Kileleshwa, Nairobi, and without my knowledge or consent and using a spare key which he had legally obtained, drove way my personal motor vehicle KBY 186G- a car which had been fully registered in my name since 2014,” Lilian said in her statement on Thursday morning.

Lilian further went on to accuse Mutua of transferring her shares  in Ndash Enterprises Ltd without her consent.

“At no point did I execute a transfer of my shares or otherwise transfer my 1,800 shares (45%) shareholding in the company…” she said.

Lilian has called  for a criminal investigation into the matter as its serious criminal  offence. In October she had  filed a case in Killimani court for a restraining order against Mutua as she believed her life and of those around her is in danger.

She said she was not married to Mutua but it was a long term relationship adding that her separation with Mutua didn’t end amicably as the governor has said in previous interviews.

Lilian added that what she has gone through what amounts to an “insidious form of GBV, known as psychological and economic gender-based violence





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