
Kenya Conference of Catholic Bishops denies the same gender marriages

Kenya Conference of Catholic Bishops  has issued a clear statement affirming that the Catholic Church does not endorse same-sex marriage, refuting recent media reports suggesting that Catholic priests can administer blessings to same-sex couples.

The clarification comes in response to a document from the Vatican’s doctrinal office, which seemingly reversed a declaration issued by the same body in the year 2021.

Vatican document stated that blessings for same-sex couples would not legitimize irregular situations but rather serve as a sign that God welcomes everyone. Chairman of KCCB Martin Kivuva, emphasized that the Vatican document does not change the church understanding of marriage as a sacrament—an indissoluble union between a man and a woman for life.

Martin Kivuva stated, “This remains firm on the traditional doctrine of the church about marriage, not allowing any type of liturgical rite or blessing similar to liturgical rite that can create confusion,” as per the Fiducia Supplicans document.

Martin Kivuva clarified that the document aims to invite all individuals to God’s action and grace, reiterating the church’s commitment to reaching out to everyone who is inn need of the faith, regardless of their moral life or faith condition, to offer blessings. He emphasized that the church extends blessings even to non-Catholics or non-Christians who genuinely seek God’s blessing.“The church does not withhold a blessing from any individual who seeks, even non-Catholics or non-Christians who honestly wish to receive God’s blessing,” Kivuva added. Importantly, he noted that providing a blessing does not condone or endorse immoral actions, emphasizing a clear distinction between the act of blessing and endorsing specific behaviors.It emphasized that such blessings should not be confused with the sacrament of heterosexual marriage. The document urged priests to decide on a case-by-case basis, allowing the Church’s closeness to people seeking God’s help through a simple blessing.


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