
NADCO fails to reach a consensus on cost of living reduction

The National Dialogue Committee (NADCO) led by Kimani Ichung’wa from Kenya Kwanza and Kalonzo Musyoka from Azimio la Umoja coalition members has failed to reach a consensus regarding two vital proposals to reduce the cost of living in the country.

NADCO unveiled its eagerly-awaited report on Saturday, November 25 with a number of recommendations, including proposals to reduce the cost of living, audit the 2022 electoral process, and restructure of the Independent Electoral and Boundaries Commission.


Regarding the cost of living, the committee was unable to reach a consensus on a number of proposals on the matter, including the reduction of value added tax (VAT) on fuel from 16 to 8 percent and scrapping off of the housing levy, recently introduced.

NADCO also recommended that the Ministry of Energy and Petroleum should liase with the National Treasury to  reduce the road maintenance levy and the anti-adulteration levy by Ksh5 and Ksh3 per litre respectively.

Regarding the restructuring and reconstitution of the IEBC, NADCO recommended the establishment of an expanded selection panel from the current 7-member to a 9-member selection panel, which will be responsible for recruiting an entirely new leadership structure consisting of the Chairperson and six Commissioners of IEBC.

The committee also made a recommendation regarding the time for resolution of presidential election petitions through the increase of timelines within which the Supreme Court shall hear and determine a petition challenging the validity of a presidential election from 14 to 21 days.

As previously agreed, NADCO recommended the establishment of the office of the opposition leader who  was the second during election time and shoukd be assigned two deputies.

The establishment of the office, which Azimio leader Raila Odinga is expected to spearhead, was one of the deliberations of the bipartisan talks, revisiting previous proposals seeking to entrench the Office of the Leader of the Opposition in the Constitution.

The committee also recommended the establishment of the Office Of Prime Minister.

“NADCO further recommends the establishment of the Office of Prime Minister to be nominated and upon approval by the National Assembly, appointed by the President,” added the report.

On the matter of fidelity to the Law on Multiparty Democracy NADCO recommended the establishment of the Independent Political Parties Regulatory Commission as an independent body that shall be responsible for the registration of political parties and their office holders and the management of political parties’ funds.

This is a role currently vested in the Office of the Registrar of Political Parties.

“We are proud to Unveil The National Dialogue Committee’s Report which has been electronically submitted to the Principals representing The Kenya Kwanza and Azimio La Umoja LeadeIt is our firm belief that The Report has addressed the issues that formed the basis of the talks and the recommendations therein will progressively heal our wounds, foster togetherness, promote national unity restore our national pride, and usher us to greater prosperity,” the committee co-chaired by former Vice President Kalonzo Musyoka and Kikuyu Member of Parliament Kimani Ichung’wah stated.


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