
Nakuru Police Constable has been arrested after he fatally shot one person and seriously injured three others

Nakuru Police Constable has been arrested after he fatally shot one person and seriously injured three others in a confrontation at a bar.

Police Constable Nicholas Musau attached to Nakuru Central Police Station is said to have committed the offence shortly after midnight on Wednesday morning at Vegas Bar along Moi Road in Nakuru City.Nakuru County Police Commander Samwel Ndanyi confirmed the arrest adding that the the officer was on standby and had been officially issued the firearm.

police signal, the incident was reported at Kaptembwo Police Station in Nakuru West at 2 am.

“Directorate of criminal investigation officers from Kaptembwo proceeded to the scene and established that he had picked a quarrel over a bill for drinks he had taken,” the statement reads in part.

The statement information stated that “In the process, a fracas ensued and the officer fatally injured the bartender aged 30 years. Three people Benjamin Kote who is 27 years old, Edwin Apungana,who is 33 years old and Laura Kwasira who is 26 years old were rushed to Nakuru Level Five Hospital with gunshot wounds,” the statement Stated.

Edwin Apungana, a private security guard at the joint, said he was alerted by his colleagues over a client causing a disturbance.

“I joined my colleagues in convincing him to respect the private business. We told him to pick up his drinks and leave but he refused,” said Apungana in his hospital bed at the Nakuru Level Five Hospital.

“I lost all my strength and all I knew was that the shooting was going on. I saw him aim the gun at other people before I fell,” said Apungana.

Nakuru Level Five Hospital Medical Superintendent Dr James Waweru said that they received the three patients with gunshot wounds during the night. “She has a bullet lodged in her spine. The doctors only managed to stop the bleeding as they planned for a more advanced operation to remove the bullet. She is currently stable and undergoing a blood transfusion,” said Dr James Waweru.


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