
President: I will work hard to achieve delayed transformation

President: I will do whatever possible to achieve delayed transformation

President Ruto has asked leaders across the political divide to support his plans to make Kenya food secure, create jobs and provide universal healthcare to all Kenyans.

He said food insecurity, unemployment and lack of healthcare access to all have delayed the transformation of Kenya.

President Ruto said unless the government takes difficult decisions, the transformation of the country will not be realised.

“I will do whatever possible to ensure we achieve the delayed transformation in Kenya,” said President Ruto.

He made it clear that countries such as Malaysia, Singapore and Korea, that were at the same level of development with Kenya at the time of independence, have since achieved First World status while Kenya is still dragging from behind.

“As a country, we must break away from our past and move ahead to get where the countries that left us behind are in terms of transformation,” said Dr Ruto.

The Head of State made the remarks on Monday at Kamagut Primary School in Uasin Gishu County, where he laid the foundation stone ahead of construction work for junior and secondary schools.

He said leaders should put the interest of Kenyans above their own by supporting initiatives aimed at creating jobs for the citizens.

“We have leaders in this country who have never gone hungry, gone without shoes and have not sold property to pay hospital bills. They should not use the money they have to pay lawyers and frustrate efforts to have millions of Kenyans get jobs and access universal  healthcare,” President said.

The President also asked the Judiciary, as it executes its mandate, to be mindful of the welfare of Kenyans without jobs and those who have no access to healthcare.

He said there was no war between the Judiciary and other independent institutions, saying service delivery among such institutions should be for the benefit of all Kenyans.

President Ruto urged Kenyans to take advantage of the government’s commitment to transform the education sector by taking their children to school.

“Education is an equalizer in society. This is why we are investing more in the sector,” the President said.

Kakamega Governor Fernandes  Barasa, a member of ODM, said he would support the government for the sake of development.

He praised President Ruto’s affordable housing program as a great initiative aimed at creating jobs for millions of Kenyans.

“I firmly support efforts by President Ruto to revive the country’s economy. I am sure in the next four years, this nation will be transformed,” the governor said.

He said time for politics was over and it was now time for leaders to work together in addressing the challenges facing Kenyans

“Time for petty politicking is over. Let’s give ample opportunity to our President to unite Kenya and fix the economy,”  Governor Barasa said.

Farah Maalim, the MP for Dadaab in Garissa County, praised President Ruto’s efforts to fix the economy, saying they will soon bear fruit.

He said Kenyans should trust President Ruto especially now that he has stabilized the economy and implemented measures that have ensured that the country does not default in debt payments.

“The truth of the matter is that President Ruto took over an economy which was in ICU. His predecessor milked the country dry besides borrowing massively and never using the loans for the  intended purposes,” Mr Maalim explained.

Read Also:https://zungukatv.com/business/housing-levy-to-resume-its-collection-courts-says/


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