
Success is built on failure and assurance of better education

Success is built on failure and assurance of better education

Education CS Ezekiel Machogu released the 2023 Kenya Certificate of Secondary Education (KCSE) examination results yesterday. A total of 899,453 candidates wrote the examinations. Some 1,216 of them scored grade A, 7,254 scored A- while 18,078 got B+ and 36,728 candidates got B plain. Another 59,514 scored B-, 78,343 C+, 92,612 C plain while 107,471 attained grade C-.

The move lays to rest anxieties that had built up during the wait, and now the candidates should prepare to embark on the next and most critical phase of their education journey. Those who could not make the threshold of university admission should consider taking up courses in technical and vocational education training colleges.

Just as Babu Owino the Embakasi Member of Parliament said, in a message on Tuesday, the candidates should not to be embarrassed by their failure, because it is all part of the process to success.

He insisted that success is built on failure and frustration.

“Do not be embarrassed by your failure, learn from it and start. Winners are not afraid of losing. But losers are. Failure is part of the process of success,” Babu said.

“People who avoid failure also avoid success because success is built on failure and frustration. Sometimes it’s built on catastrophe. When we permit ourselves to fail, we, at the same time, permit ourselves to excel.”

The legislator said the only thing that makes a dream impossible to achieve is the fear of failure.

Babu Owino encouraged them to register for certificate, and diploma courses and keep on advancing from there.

He added that those who want to repeat to better their grades should not fear to do so.

“Success is not final, failure is not fatal: it is the courage to continue that counts. Stand up and dust yourself, there are many opportunities still waiting for you. Let some register for Certificate Courses while others Diploma courses,” said Babu Owino.

Last year, the government introduced a new university and colleges’ funding model. Students who qualify for placement to these institutions are eligible for scholarships and loans. This model varies from the Higher Education Loans Board by pegging its assistance on financial needs classified as vulnerable, extremely needy, and less needy.

Under this model, students from rich backgrounds will get more in terms of loans and less scholarships while the less financially able will get more scholarship funds than loan amounts. This was expected to offer an even playing ground for all. However, in an unexpected twist, the government later announced that all students will have to pay part of the fees under the new funding formula.

That decision might sound a death knell for the education of students from extremely needy families.

It is therefore incumbent upon the government to facilitate all those who qualify for tertiary education without giving excuses.

It is bad enough that most universities are wallowing under huge debt, hence timely release of higher education funds to universities and colleges could ease the pressure.

It is in the public domain that public universities are struggling to stay afloat due to underfunding that adversely affects their program.

Read Also: https://zungukatv.com/education/ezekiel-machogu-unveils-new-kcse-results-access-method/


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