
Senator Gloria allowed back to the senate

Gloria Orwoba the nominated senator has been allowed back in the Senate after she had obtained conservatory orders that had set aside a decision by the senate to suspend her from the house sitting for six months.
Senate speaker Amason Kingi on Tuesday allowed suspended senator Gloria Orwoba in the house in right of the court order but note that the senate is dissatisfied with the court ruling since they don’t agree.
Senator Gloria was suspended by the senate and parliament precincts for six months. Speak Amason Kingi vows to vigorously defend decisions to kick her out. Speaker also added that the senate would defend in court its decisions to suspend Gloria, nothing that she was accorded a fair hearing and that the house did not breach any law in giving out its verdicts.

“Having considered this matter after taking an account previous ruling of the parliament and decisions ,it is my ruling that where else the senate is dissatisfied with the conservatory obtained by Gloria senate shall comply with the said order while reserving its right to  vigorously defend its position in the court to demonstrate that indeed the senate accorded the honorable senate due to process that senate did not breach the constitution or any other in arriving at the decisions  to suspend the senator, “the speaker ruled.

Gloria, who had been suspended by the senate for six months, last month she obtained orders from Machakos High Court Judge Justice Royal Olel although senators were divided on whether to allow her back in the house.

Eddy Oketch the Migori senator stood on a point of order after noticing Gloria is in the house on 3 of October, seeking to know why she was in the house and yet she had been suspended.  His question led to the senators urging the speaker to exercise his powers and ensure the integrity of the House.

Whip Bonny Khalwale the majority speaker asked the speaker not to entertain the orders issued, as the decision to suspend  Orwoba was issued by the senate and not by the speaker. “If the court has purported to serve you and I the absence of a motion which has received the majority of the house whereby it was rescinded that decision, when then does the speaker find it possible to implement the court order which apparently is limited to him?” Whip Bonny posed the question on October 3. In response to the matter the speaker promised to retire to his chamber to draft a ruling on whether Senator Gloria will be allowed to continue sitting in the house or they will ignore the court order.

Gloria Orwoba was accused of unsubstantiated allegations that there were instances of pursuits of sexual favors in parliament by posting message on the senate business WhatsApp group. Orwoba also faced an allegation of favoritisms and discrimination during press conference as well as unsubstantiated reports of corruption in the senate where she was summoned by the powers and privileges committee, and she failed to appear ad defend herself leading to her suspension of six months.



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