
The ayes have it for governor Kawira’s impeachment

Kawira Mwangaza has finally been impeached. This is after 59 out of the 69 members of the county assembly have unanimously voted her out. Ten of the members were absent hence all the 59 members present voted for her oust.

“At this juncture, it is my pleasure to announce the ayes have it. The motion has passed and the governor stands impeached by the County Assembly of Meru,” Meru County Assembly Speaker Ayub Bundi declared.

The Meru governor, Kawira Mwangaza whose impeachment case was tabled last week by the members of Meru County assembly was being represented by one lawyer Dunstan Omari. The lawyer who has previously handled high profile cases led the defense team in defending the governor against the allegations placed on him by the members of the county assembly.

In the second time in a row, the members of the county assembly wanted the governor out of office after allegedly committing seven violations among them being, misappropriation of funds and squandering of the same which has slugged the projects of that county. It had also been tabled that she has been making withdrawals under the semblance of that her relatives, who she has been putting to power without following the law, have been making the supplies. These relatives have been employed by her to help her embezzle funds. In addition to that, Evans Mawira who is the deputy governor to Kawira Mwangaza has mentioned of her diverging county resources and funds to personal projects.

Also read https://zungukatv.com/2023/10/17/the-dark-predica…-kawira-mwangaza

“Diversion of county funds and vehicles have been running her charity work deemed as Okolea in spite of her promising the Senate to refrain from conflicting county officials and Okolea operations, “Evans Mawira said.

Bullying and degradation of fellow leaders of the county was also among the mentioned accounts and the illegal appointment of people in the job spaces without consulting the rest of the county officials and also not following legitimate powers.

Dunstan Omari who was given two hours to defend the governor against the oust, said that  on the matter of nepotism, the facts presented were baseless.

“If you were to define a relative then all Merus are relatives because about one million plus population are said to have originated from one person,” Omari said.

On the matter of failing to avail for summon, the lawyer said the assembly had no legitimate powers to so.

“Does the assembly have powers or any standing order to summon the governor? I would want to be shown where that appears,” he said

The governors destiny is now on the hands of the Senate which is expected to accept or refuse he impeachment following the evidence presented.

A special committee of 11 Senators may be formed to investigate the issue at hand or consider the impeachment motion as a House. Such a move was taken last year by the senate which saw the governors seat retained.



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