
Two candidates dies at karigini secondary after consumption of ethanol

Karigini mixed secondary lost two students.[photo bw:AW Twitter]


Two form four candidate allegedly died after taking ethanol at school.Currentky the detective in Tharaka nithi have started investigation of their death in order to get detailed analysis.The two candidates who were expected to sit for heir fourth coming national exam soonfdim Karigini mixed day secondary school at Muthambi sub county in Tharaka Nithi said to have consumed ethanol at the school laboratory.

Tharaka Nithi county police commander Mr Zecchaeus gene said that there are others 11 students receiving treatment at Chuka County and referral hospital where they were taken on Saturday afternoon.They are four girls and seven boys.

He said according to the research given , from the school in Muthambi sub county,the students took chemical on Thursday evening but only one who’s body showed the signs of dizziness immediately after the consumption.He explained to when a multiagency team of security, education and health official visited the school on Saturday morning they were able to clearly tell through the other student who had consumed the substance that it was ethanol. He emphasized that you investigation are still on going to establish what is transpired.

Ms Wambua Bridget the Director of Tharaka Nithi describe the insident us unfortunate and urged the school management to be vigilant in order to avoid such incidents.She also asked the parents of day school student to ensure that their children who are in school should be sober in their minds considering candidate by ensuring they are not engaging in bad behavior including taking alcohol or any drugs as they sit for their exam because it may highly affect their performance.”We have only 24 students in that form four class and two of them did not turn up during rehearsal while the school population is on 71 students,” said the Education director Ms Bridget.Everyone should be cautious with student behavior because if students continue with the strange behavior things will not change if they are not informed to change.

Dr Kenneth Muchemi the Nursing Officer in Tharaka Nithi said that the 11 students who are in hospital are in a stable condition and are currently experiencing mild symptoms but for the two students who died is due to taking large amount of ethanol but if they were taken to hospital after consumption their lives could be saved because they could get treated immediately. Dr Muchemi said,”The deseased were rushed to the hospital on Saturday by the use of Tharaka Nithi county ambulance when their health was already but we’re confirmed dead on arrival at Chuka County Referral hospital and their bodies were transferred to the facility mortuary awaiting for postmortem.” He said even though those admitted are responding they will continue remaining in the hospital for some time as they are being observed because the two who died were in normal condition until Friday evening.

George kaburu the school board management chair said that the death had dealt a huge blow to the small school and urged both teachers and parents to be extra vigilant with their students because if they are not student might continue misbehaving.He regrets that the students remained with their parents at home until the situation worsen instead of taking them to the hospital to speak treatment.



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