
Wetangula’s unity call to the western region leaders

Moses Wetangula, the National Assembly Speaker, during the weekend led a number Western Members of Parliament (MPs) in a campaign to unite the people of that region.

The leaders gathered at Our Lady Consolata Bukaya Parish Church in Mumias West Constituency where unity call was the deal.

Present at the event were Kakamega Governor Fernandes Barasa, Bungoma Senator David Wakoli, and MPs John Makali (Kanduyi), John Waluke (Sirisia), Beatrice Elachi (Dagoretti North), Nabii Nabwera (Lugari), Martin Wanyonyi (Webuye East), Fred Ikana (Shinyalu) and Victor Bwire (Taveta).

Others were Joseph Makilap (Baringo North), Beatrice Adagala (Vihiga), David Ochieng (Ugenya), Peter Salasya (Mumias East), Oku Kaunya (Teso North) and a couple of Members of County Assembly.

“Last General Elections are behind us now. Our people want service and this can only be achieved if we unite and walk together,” Wetangula said.

He added that the strength of the region is only determined by them and that at the end of the day they are the ones to benefit from it. Unity according to Wetangula will strengthen their political power.

Wetangula stated the government’s overarching responsibility is to all Kenyans, regardless of political affiliations or voting history.

He further urged a forward-focused perspective to work towards the future.

“You can never drive safely while looking in the rearview mirror,” he said as he told residents not to focus too much on the outcomes of lthe ast election but accept to work with government, support their initiatives and move forward.

He said the government was committed to address the plight of that region with the main one being the sugar sector that is slowly shrinking hence rendering hundreds jobless.

“President Dr William Ruto’s resolve to clear all debts owed by Mumias Sugar Company is a significant stride towards its revival and vibrancy.

Hon. Nabii Nabwire among other MPs present emphasized that the Western community needs to stand together as one to change the dichotomy of the Community.

He pointed out that theres need to love and appreciate each other in the community.

This comes after Hon. Peter Salasya was assaulted during the function which was forced to come to a stand still as the drama continued,

During the event, Salasya accused Kakamega Governor, Fernandes Barasa, also in attendance, of not doing enough to revive the sugar sector that was ailing sector.

The MP particularly took issue with the fact that Barasa’s predecessor, Wycliffe Oparanya, had proposed a Bill that would allow the County Government to pay farmers Ksh100 million which he used as a stick to beat Barasa with.

The member of parliament later alleged that the goons were paid by the governor Barasa to distract him from saying the truth.

”The goons of this Governor of Kakamega Fernandes Barasa attacked me so innocently while addressing residents of Mumias West, but thank you my tight security for ensuring no one moves closer to me to attack me,” the MP remarked in a statement afterward.

The leaders however emphasized the need for unity and talking out things together for growth.


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