
22-year-old falls from sixth floor during a fight at Kamukuji

22-year-old man was seriously injured after falling from the sixth floor of an apartment in Shauri Moyo area, Kamukuji, Nairobi.

The 22-year-old is said to have fallen as he fought with a man in a dispute over a debt that was not settled. It is not clear how much was the debt. The said assailant had come to get his money from the victim when the fight broke out, police said.

Police said that he fell on the ground and fractured his legs and hands. He was later rushed to hospital where he was admitted in serious but stable condition.  Nairobi police boss Adamson Bungei said the assailant is yet to be arrested over the Sunday evening incident.

He said a hunt on him is ongoing. “The victim has mentioned his name and is known to him. We are also asking him to surrender,” Bungei said. Meanwhile, a mechanic is nursing wounds after a car he was repairing caved on him in the Grogon area, Nairobi. He was trapped by an Isuzu minibus as he repaired it along the Lower Kirinyaga area.

The victim identified as Paul Munene Muthama aged 26 had elevated the vehicle on a makeshift dock to enable him to apply grease on movable parts underneath.

It was during the Sunday afternoon process that the rear part slipped from the dock and landed on his lower abdomen crushing him.

He was rescued and rushed to the hospital with serious injuries where he is receiving treatments..


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