
Brothers saved by fate from fire that killed their mother

A photo of the the two brothers and their mother

Two brothers Francis Minai who is aged 51 and James Mwangi aged 48 years are alive today after listening to the doctors advice that sleeping late is healthy compared to those who sleep early.

The two brothers shared the same room in their mothers house at Kirimiga Village,Mathioya, Muranga county. Both of them have not married or even building their house due to their personal issues.

Stephen Karoki who is their brother said,”Things happen since it’s all about personal choice, they are my elder brothers and they are the way they are and as a family we accept them the way they are.

As Mwangi was narrating to the nation he said that he had arrived home early from a nearby shopping center where he had been taking drinks before all things happened.

He said that he had some amount of money that he was given by her sister to buy medicine because he was not feeling well.The moment he went to to he shopping center he felt better without taking any medicine and he decided to celebrate by taking some drinks instead of buying medicine.

“I was joined by my friends and bought more alcohol and the sickness disappeared immediately. I returned home some minutes past 10 p.m. and found my mother had prepared food for my brother and I and  the meal was placed in the room where we shared with my elder brother,” he said.

My brother had taken his share and had already moved to the bed when I arrived home because he was too drunk.” After I took my meal I checked my pockets for a cigarette since am used to smoke after taking meals but I found that I did not have any cigarette with me. I asked my brother whether he had one but he responded negatively and their was no way I could have slept without smoking.

“I decided to go out and ask my friends who were around if they have one but I never got any fruits, and I decided to walk towards a home where their was a funnel vigil hoping I will get one to help me.

“I left my brother rolling in the bed and muttered incoherent words because he was drunk,”Mwangi said.

He narrated that,”I staggered into the darkness and arrived at the homestead where I found a cousin of mine who gave me three cigarettes.”

He stayed in the homestead and enjoyed the music that was played in the venue.At home my brother Minai had developed fear that made him get out of bed and left the house.

“I went at home and decided to relax outside the house but after some minutes I felt like someone moving around the compound which made me feel nervous.I called out my brothers name but no one responded,where I decided to move around and check what is happening.I heard a shocking sound and immediately flames of fire spreaded allover the house and I didn’t manage to save my mother.” he said.

He  explained how he screamed and after some minutes the compound was full and people were busy helping to put of the fire.This took some minutes and later all my mother’s body was just some of the remains after the burning which was sad since no body knew who did that.


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