
Principal beaten up for serving sugarless porridge

Collins Omondi, the principal of God Bura Secondary School, was assaulted by students who accused him of serving sugarless porridge. The students found the principal at his residence and descended blows and kicks for allegedly allowing porridge with no sugar be served to the students despite them paying fees. They also accused him of poor leadership, being arrogant and running the school down where they wanted to take him to the police station an act which he resisted before the blows started landing on him.

“They commanded Omondi to accompany them to Magunga police station to record a statement. The students wanted the teacher to explain how the school funds are used,” a police report read.

Witnesses say that the boys overpowered the principal when he tried to defend himself, but he was eventually taken to the station where the police rescued him from the boys.

Mr. Omondi was later taken to Magunga level four hospital for medical intervention but was again transferred to another hospital for X-ray services. It was found out that he had injuries on his chest.

Mr. Samson Kinne who is the police commander of Homabay county stated that the matter was being handled by the law alongside the ministry of education. Kinne added that they were looking into who helped the students, adding that some parents were spotted joining the students during the chaos.

On the other hand, Kenya Secondary Schools Heads Association in Suba, through their chairman Paul Mbara, condemned the attack heavily, urging parents and students to seek other conflict resolution mechanisms.

“Attacking teachers is not a solution to the problems facing schools. There should be alternative dispute resolution mechanism,” said Mbaara.

He expressed concern that the issue could escalate into other problems which may lead to a dismal performance by students.

In another incident at Otok Secondary School in Karachuonyo constituency, students turned to beat up parents who had come to eject a principle that had been sent by the Ministry of Education.



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