
32 aged Nuru Okanga fanatic of Raila Odinga sits for KCPE

Nuru Okanga sits for Kenya Certificate of Primary Education (KCPE) at an age of 32. He is a fanatic of Raila Amolo Odinga the opposition party leader.

He joined other candidates sitting for the examination at Mumias Muslim primary school in Kakamega County as a private candidate. He is among 1.43 million candidates for the last group of KCPE exam. This year KCPE exam has attracted the highest number of candidates after the government allowed unregistered candidates to sit for the exam which ends the 8-4-4 education system that was started back then in 1985.

Nuru Okanga has been in the political limelight during antigovernment demonstrations organized by the Azimio La Umoja one Kenya Coalition when he made withering remarks about President William Ruto and his administration.

Okanga says that his intentions are to obtain a primary school certificate that will make it easier for him to contest for the Kholera County assembly seat in Matungu in 2027.He said that Root Party George Wajakoyah had hired a teacher in Nairobi who had trained and prepared him well for the exams.

32-year-old thanked Mr. George Wajakoyah for providing him a guide to prepare him for the exams.

“I am well prepared for this exam and my expectations is to score at least 250 out of the 500 marks.

This will give me a better chance to join one of the best secondary schools in my journey to pursue the education extent because I want to be a big person in this country in future,” said Mr. Nuru Okanga.

He narrated that his intentions in politics is to start by contesting the Kholera County position in 2027 and climb the political ladder in order to be the upcoming Future president of Kenya in the future.

He narrated that,” I know it’s a requirement that for one to be approved by the Independent Electoral and Boundaries Commission (IEBC) for the MCA position you require to produce a KCPE certificate. That is why am her.”

Nuru Okanga dropped out of school in year 2007 when he was in form three after the death of his father where he went to live with his aunt in Nairobi. Nuru Okanga would engage into politics as a fanatic of the opposition party ODM, and he was a participant in Mr. Raila Odinga rallies.

In March 25,2023 Nuru together Calvin Gaucho were arrested along with another crowd of mobilizers for what their lawyer Danstan Omar said were illegal Azimio protest.

” I will not stop at KCPE level because I want to progress to secondary school and ensure I join university because in Kenya for one to be a president you must have a degree with you and that is where my focus is. It doesn’t matter whether I will be 70 years old, I must contest for the presidency position,” Mr. Nuru explained.

Nuru explains his reason that brought him back into the education extent in order to remove the doubt that many have with leaders and show them how he acquired his academic qualifications.

The KCPE began on Monday, and it is expected to end on Wednesday,1st November 2023 and join the KPSEA system.


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