
26 bags of Bhang nabbed in a church

Police in Ongata Rongai were on Monday lucky to seize 26 bags of bhang worth 6million street value, allegedly stolen electronics and a stolen goat in a church located at that area.

Members of the public followed the trail of the stolen goat which led them to a church in which they were able to ambush the suspects as they prepared to cook the already slaughtered goat at the African B Church. The owner of the goat reportedly identified that the goat was his and was missing for days.

Angry residents attempted to bring down the semi permanent church but the officers arrived at the scene on time to stop them. Two suspects were later arrested and charged for being accomplices of the theft. Their ring leader and other accomplices managed to evade the police.

Deputy County Commissioner, of Kajiado North area, James Taari addressed the reporters during the civilian raid that they recovered 26 bags of bhang, each bag containing 40 ‘stones’ with an estimated street value of Sh6 million.

“This is a major breakthrough, this is not a church but a den of criminals, we will consider the church management as persons of interest, we suspect they have been selling bhang to youths in this area,” Mr. Taari.

Mr. Taari further advised the members of public to join hands with the police and be reporting incidences like these since they put the lives of especially the youth in danger by selling to them drugs. Its said that the residents of this place were aware of the culprits but were afraid to report.

“I am told that the residents are afraid to report the criminal activities for fear of reprisals from the criminals, let us not be intimidated, some of these criminals thrive on intimidation, we must work as a team to corner them,” he said.

The residents however condemned the police officers for allowing such activities to thrive while they are present. One resident, James Muthiga accused the officers of taking bribes and allow the existence of the gangs.

“The activities in this church have been going o for some time. Some police officers usually collect bribes. We witness high end vehicles visiting the church in the middle of the night. They have been operating under the protection of the security agencies,” Muthiga confessed.

Its reported that the purported thieves disguise as Christians holding night vigil at the church and later go on  cattle rustling in the area.

“They have been stealing from us and later celebrate in our midst. The security must swing into action,” Muthiga added.

Currently the church is under no activity and the suspects are being held up at Ongata Rongai Police station.


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