
Karen Nyamu’s Threat to Lead Nairobi women in a naked protest for equality in slums

The nominated senator Karen Nyamu has threatened to lead Nairobi county women’s in nude protest orto undress in the fight for the rights and recognition of people living in the slums since they leave in different world from others.

Nominated senator Karen who spoke on Wednesday October 18 in support  Of a bill tableed at the senate to advocate an increase in fund for slums said that should be labeled as marginalized areas since it have a huge population of people.This is because there is no equality among different constituencies with high population and those that have low population.

Karen Nyamu in abrazen push for Nairobi to benefit from more allocation resources,vowed to mobilize women in the country to strip naked in the streets if need be for their voice to be heard and also be able to be the voice to the voiceless because they lack one to stand with them and this shows lack of unity among one another which requires to be eliminated as first as possible in order to enhance togetherness.

Karen Nyamu stayed that.”We have  been crying as Nairobi forthese slum dwellers and we have been ignored over all those years and now are going to result even to unorthodox means.”

“Nairobi is not a rich country just because we are the seat of government and we have rich estate that doesn’t mean that we are rich.As Nairobi women in Laini Sana,MJi wa huruma and Kiboro we are going to undress in this town if that is what it takes to be heard so that we get the attention of these policymakers,the legistrators and this House.”

Karen Nyamu cited remarks given by Governor Wavinya Ndeti from Machakos while searching for rights of the county residents in the East Cement Portland Company land demolitions, saying it is time for Nairobi to employ any necessary way’s to give effective communication to all Kenyans about all occurrences.

“The same words that Governor Wavinya Ndeti said that Kambas have their own ways of solving things, Nairobi we are going to find a way of solving things and having all those who leaves in the slums are recognized by the highest office and his country,”Karen Nyamu narrated.

According to Karens view is that the country’s capital has been left out of similar budgetary allocationswith presumption by legislators referring to Nairobi as a “rich county”despite of statistics giving different results as what people gets from it which is the opposite of expectations

Karen revealed that a number of people who leaves in slums regions and other low deplorable living conditions are Many and therefore their must be an allegation that helps in such developments.

Nyamu explained that Nairobi has been assumed to be a rich county just because it consists of rich estate’s such as Muthaiga and Karen forgetting about the slums dwellers such as Kayabas,Mathare,Korogocho,kibera and Silaga.

“They are not children of a lesser God.I would like his house to recognize these regions as marginalized because they are supposed to be marginalized just because their neighbors are well up they should not be ignored.”She explained.


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