
CCTV captured Michael Onyancha’s last moments

CCTV camera captured the last moments of Micheal Habel Onyancha, a banker who died mysteriously in Nairobi’s Kasarani estate.

The 33-year-old man was found dead in the estate after allegedly falling from third floor.

According to the CCTV footage, Micheal and an unknown lady were seen climbing the staircase on Friday, 11pm.

Reports indicated that the two came from a night party.

A drunk Micheal is seen staggering on the stairs and the woman moves to help him. The two entered in the lady’s house and that was the last time Micheal was seen alive.

According to a neighbor, Micheal and his friend were heard quarreling, before she called the caretaker to intervene.

Additionally, the witness said the lady in question told her that the man jumped off the balcony after asking him to leave her premises.

“The lady upstairs said that she told the lady to leave but he jumped,” the witness said.

When Micheal fell, they rushed to the basement where he was found in a critical condition.

The CCTV footage captured further showed Micheal falling from balcony on the third floor and hitting the basement.

Besides, a torn sky roof is evidence of Micheal’s fall as it shows where the banker fell through.

He was then rushed to St Francis Hospital where he was pronounced dead on arrival.

His body was taken to the morgue as the family awaits to lay him to rest.

Sadly, the 33-year-old banker left behind a wife and a 3-year-old son.

However, the family and friends of Micheal are questioning how the police from Kasarani Police Station are conducting the investigation on the murder.

According to the family, police did not update them on the progress of the case adding that detectives did not seal off the scene of crime.

Consequently, they appealed for justice for Micheal and the young family he left behind.


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