
Former AG Charles Njonjo Dies at 101

Former Cabinet Minister and Attorney General Charles Njonjo aka ‘The Duke of Kabeteshire’ has died at the age of 101 years.

In his condolences message, President Uhuru Kenyatta  said Njonjo passed away peacefully at 5am on Sunday.

“Its with a heavy heart that I have this morning ,Sunday 2nd January received the sad and heartbreaking news of the passing of Hon Charles Njonjo.”

Hon Njonjo was the only surviving member of Kenya’s Independent cabinet.

“The passing of Hon Njonjo is a big blow not only to his immediate family but to all Kenyans and indeed to, the entire African Continent because of his leading role in the founding of Kenyan Nation at independence. “the head of state said.

“As nation ,we owe a debt of gratitude to Hon Njonjo and his generation of independence era leaders for there selfless contribution to the laying of the solid foundation upon which our country continues to thrive.”

Njonjo served as the first post independence AG between 1963 and 1979 and as the constitutional Affairs Minister between 1980 and 1983.

As per his last wishes, Njonjo’s body has been cremated  at Kariokor Cemetery today.

His family said He has been unwell for sometime and had instructed them to cremate his body immediately after his death.


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