
Former Head of Public Service Dr Richard Leakey is dead.

Kenya’s former Head of Public Service Dr Richard Erskine Frere Leakey is dead.

The renown paleoanthropologist and conservationist died on Sunday 2nd 2022 .

The president, Uhuru Kenyatta confirmed his death on Sunday evening

“I have this afternoon, Sunday 2nd January 2022, received with deep sorrow the sad news of the passing away of Dr Richard Erskine Frere Leakey, Kenya’s former Head of Public Service.”

Dr Leakey, has over the years  served Kenya  with distinction in several public service roles among them as Director of the National Museums of Kenya and Chairman of the Kenya Wildlife Service Board of Directors.

President Uhuru Kenyatta has celebrated him for his role in creating a vibrant society

“Besides his distinguished career in the public service, Dr Leakey is celebrated for his prominent role in Kenya’s vibrant civil society where he founded and successfully ran a number of institutions among them the conservation organization Wildlife Direct.” the head of state said.



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