
Government to expand city’s commuter railway services

Government is expected to expand Nairobi commuter railway services in order to ease traffic and also enhance the plan to develop  infrastructure projects to advance the country’s development agenda.

The President assured that the project is meant to offer affordable and reliable source of transportation.

The head of state said that funds have been set aside for the revitalization of transport infrastructure projects in Nairobi among them the Riruta- Ngong- Kiserian- Ongata Rongai commuter rail.

“This rail has the capacity of transporting 10,000 people every day, thereby reducing traffic congestion on our roads,”

The rail is expected to reduce the cost of transport within the city by half, contributing to the overall reduction in the cost of living.

“We are reducing the cost of transport in addition to reducing the cost of food and housing to reduce the cost of living,” he said.

He made the remarks on Friday during the launch of the construction of the 12.5 Kilometre Riruta-Ngong Commuter Rail line that will run through Riruta, Karen, Bulbul and Ngong’ stations.

The Head of State said the rail will be completed within 8 months.

Present were Deputy President Rigathi Gachagua, Cabinet Secretary Kipchumba Murkomen, Kajiado Governor Joseph Ole Lenku, MPs and MCAs.

The President said the government is implementing such projects to create jobs for the youth.

He said the government will also construct affordable houses in Ngong, aiming to generate additional opportunities for the youth.

“As we speak we have 120,000 youth working in various affordable housing projects across the country,” he added.

President Ruto urged those opposing the affordable housing project to consider its socio-economic impact.

“Housing is a premium product, it will not only create jobs but also spur manufacturing and industrialisation, give low-income earners a chance to own homes and end land subdivision,” he said.

He said the government is keen on completing stalled road projects before beginning new ones saying it is the prudent thing to do.

The President said the government will continuously increase education funding to enhance access to learning opportunities for all.

Mr Gachagua said the implementation of infrastructure projects will facilitate the movement of people and goods, thereby opening up the country for business.

Mr Murkomen said the construction of the Bus Rapid Transit will resume in January next year to complement the rail system.

At the same time, Mr Gachagua said the government is focused on delivering its development agenda.

He said the Ruto-led administration will not be distracted by opinion polls and other diversionary tactics.

The Deputy President said that the country has made substantial progress.

“Our economy is now showing signs that we are on the path of recovery, the cost of unga has gone down, and the cost of fuel has also started to drop,” he said.

Mr Ole Lenku committed to supporting the government to implement the country’s development agenda for the benefit of the people.

Read also: https://zungukatv.com/2023/12/05/ksh-1bn-set-to-restore-road-network-damaged-by-el-nino-rains/


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