
KEMSA scandal as Drugs, condoms and mosquito nets go missing.

According to a Switzerland based organization Global Fund which funds the Government to combat Tuberculosis, Malaria and Hiv/Aids the supplies are suspected of being stolen and resold to private chemists.

The supplies which have gone missing are 1.1 million condoms, 908,000 mosquito nets and TB drugs worth Ksh 10million.

KEMSA also increased the value of drugs by Ksh 640 million. An audit done on the organization revealed that it has poor inventory management and poor internal control when it comes to management in general which has resulted to 16% differences which have brought about the discrepancies.

According to Global Fund there are some fake suppliers also demanding 1.66 billion payment from the giant drug company.

Local purchase orders LPOs worth 14.5 million which were undelivered were also noted. They also established having bought expired drugs from their warehouses which is ironic that drugs get to expire while public hospitals lament on the shortage of drugs in their hospitals.

Global Fund has granted Kenya over Ksh 159.6 billion since 2003 and it has its main donors as Us, France, Germany and Japan.

The scandal comes soon after the 2020 scandal which is still ongoing according to Director of public prosecution Noordin Haji which was regarding purchase if COVID 19 kits.

They are however urging that an investigation be launched into the case to determine the whereabouts of the supplies.


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