
Heavy rains: Find a lasting solution to the affected counties

Heavy rains: Find a lasting solution to the affected counties

Heavy rains that have been ongoing have exposed the dire state of our drainage systems. It’s understandable that the rains were heavy, but prior preparations would work since its not the first time rains have destroyed property and claimed lives.

What’s concerning is that the CS for infrastructure has not said a word about their efforts to rebuild these systems.

Taking for example, the city, which is considered the biggest in East Africa, cannot sustain two hour rains.

All centers get flooded and transitioning from one position to another becomes  difficult for the Nairobians. The sewerage systems are weak and sooner or later they will be wanting.
This disease seems to have not only infected the public roads but also the private buildings. Clips of one big private hospital showed water having gushed inside. Is the government at fault for the inexistent drainage systems? Or is it the contractors who seem to have ignored the simple aspect of all year round weather? Maybe it’s the engineers and architects who are mainly imported and have no notion of the rains. Whoever may be at fault, it’s evident that these simple rookie ignorance affect the heavy fuel guzzlers and the poor man’s “Nganyas”.
While at these, we cannot ignore the flooding inside and outside the environs of  the expressway. An engineering masterpiece which is supposed to be the pride of the city is rendered impassable.

When politics had destroyed some sections a while back, we were woken up by desperate press conferences announcing repairs. What are some destroyed flowers compared to flooding?

We cannot seem to understand that there are always drainage allocations when budgeting for all city infrastructure.

There is a current plan by the Nairobi county government in collaboration with some western institutions to improve the city. We can only wait and hope that the planners renovate the sewer systems as they would render the city impassable.

Counties like Kisumu and its parts have never known a better language  during rainy season.

It has always been the issue of Lake Victoria breaking its banks and gushing its waters in the homesteads of individuals living around the lake.

Its very heartbreaking to see students not opening schools just because  heavy rains have arrived unannounced. Pictures have gone viral showing the number of students that made to be in class while the rest opted to stay home because of floods.

At night the hippopotamuses take rounds around the villages something that is dangerous and its driving the people away from their home to find safety.

How about a lasting solution be provided?

Since this is not the last rainy season, the government by its own wisdom should maybe construct rescue centers that will be holding these residents for a while as they await for the rains to cease.

With the MET department announcing more rains this month and February, its safe if a solution will be found.

Heavy rains should not be revealing the weaknesses of a nation that is capable of fixing the problem if its willing to.


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