
“Life felt meaningless seeing my family members by the river bank.”Mwingi Groom

While 75 year old David Mutua was renewing his vows in Nuu ,his children and grandchildren were dying in River Enziu.

The elderly couple were to renew their vows on Saturday,4 December as part of their catholic faith.

Speaking to Nation,David said he is still in shock as the tragedy took away his 9 family members,2 daughters and 7 grandchildren.

The only memories he has of his weeding day are bodies of his family members by the river banks.

He wanted to throw himself into the river but was restrained as the pain was too much to bear.

“It was chaotic. On seeing the bodies displayed on the river bank, most of which were of my children and grandchildren, I felt that my life was meaningless and decided to toss myself into the raging waters,” he told the Nation.


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