
No hope for discontinuance as evictions at Mavoko enter day four

Early Sunday morning Police officers who were fully armed in conjunction with General Service Unit flooded Mavoko area to warn residents to vacate immediately in an attempt to settle a rumble of land with the now famous cement company the East African Portland Cement stating that no one will be spared. Extravagant houses were flattened as their owners onlooked, and bystanders watched. believers who had hoped to arrive to their churches for worship were met by 20 bulldozers that were ready to raze down the houses of worship. These demolitions entered the third day yesterday which saw the wiper leader Kalonzo Musyoka and other Ukambani leaders term it as lack of humanity. “The judge was ordered by the executive to strike out the application that was before her but instead she struck out the entire case. That does not happen. That is a serious miscarriage of justice. We don’t understand where the orders for the demolitions came from,” said Kalonzo, arguing that a written notice must have been issued. It’s an activity that the Directorate of Criminal Investigation (DCI) took part to make sure that there was no disruption whatsoever. Some of the officers were placed at some points to ensure that Mavoko leaders did not interfere with the activity as well. Darkness raged the area as robbers found way to steal property that was left unhandled and house that were yet to be demolished as residents reported.
“I sold my inheritance to educate my children now am left homeless,” said one resident in tears. Being a Monday, and the start of a school week, learners are forced to stay at home and face an unlearning day just because their schools were brought down by the bulldozers following a green light from the President.

Today marking the fourth day of the demolitions that commenced earlier Friday last week, security has been beefed up on the company in question as evidence shows that on an earlier year an eviction notice was issued by that company, but nothing happened at all. The residents continued to increase in numbers and more houses were built but coming Friday no letter of eviction was issued to alert the residents to vacate the place. Majority of the victims claim that they bought the parcels of land from Aima Ma Lukenya Society officials and their agents and title deeds were issued and still don’t understand why evictions have scaled up.

The situation as majority have reported is said to be calm compared to last week and yesterday when some of ukambani leaders wanted an access to the parcels but with no success. Police officers intervened, and it was chaotic. Wavinya Ndeti yesterday was denied access to a church she was supposed donate food. The foodstuffs were later donated by the deputy governor not in a church but in an open air this time the audience being the victims of the evictions.
All that the residents are wishing for is compensation for their properties and a home to live at.


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