
Azimio leaders caught in Mavoko demolition area

Earlier today, Kenyans woke up to the news that Mavoko area that has been in the headlines because of the evictions that are supported by the East African Portland Cement has now put notices on the nation newspaper that the parcels of land are being on sale. The advert placed read that plots LR NO. 8784/144,145 and 653 will be sold. However, a condition on it has been placed and that priority will be given to parties currently owning the parcels and the victims of the demolition before giving the opportunity to other outsiders. The advert further explains that a site office for that operation has been set and activities of the same can take place at East African Portland Cement plc offices among Namanga road. The people that the priority is favoring have been given 14 days to complete all the processes. Kenyans on the other hand have shown their dissatisfaction allover social media over that issue and are now beginning to question whether the demolitions were illegal or legal. It’s an activity that drew the attention of Raila Odinga, Wavinya Ndeti and Kalonzo Musyoka and they decided to visit the place but were met by barricaded roads and armed police officers ready to stop them from accessing the place. Raila Odinga the leader of the opposition expressed his frustration and condemned the President highly for evicting people without a notice as the law requires. He calls this a forced eviction since it did not follow any law.  According to the constitution, the 2009 evictions and resettlement guidelines state that an official government’s gazette notice or a written notice should be supplied to the residents but none of that happened hence that can be termed as illegal, according to Mr. Odinga. All these evictions come in the midst of El-nino notices and preparations, and the residents lack a shelter to prevent themselves from the rains and this according to Raila Odinga is a disregard to recognized human rights and gross violation of the same on the part of the state, that is, right to adequate shelter.  “Children who were learning in some of the schools have seen their classrooms flattened into open field, the upcoming exams notwithstanding,” Opposition leader pointed out. These children will not be spared by the exams and this is a thing that should worry the partakers of this activity.It did not go unsaid that the President had promised that evictions would break off last year. He mentioned this while he was campaigning for the presidential seat when Kariobangi evictions had steamed up at that time and left close to 7000 people homeless. ‘We will not allow such illegal demolitions including those that do not follow due process,” the president said adding that on legal demolitions his administration will “provide enough notice and provide compensation where necessary.” Mr. Raila also showed disregard on the demolition of worship places that the president has always kept on a forefront and that there was no urgency that could not wait until next year until all residents had cleared up the places and left in peace.


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