
Uhuru orders temporary closure of Wilson airport

Normal operations at Wilson Airport  halted after President Uhuru Kenyatta ordered all planes to be grounded on Tuesday January 18,2022.

According to reports the directive was issued moments before visiting Head of state from Hungary, Janos Ader used a passenger plane to travel out of Nairobi.

President Janos Ader was travelling to either Diani or Masai Mara via local flight when Uhuru ordered the Kenya Airforce to take over and fly Janos to his destination.

Passengers were directed to alight from their planes  as the military took over operations at the airport.

President Ader and his wife, First Lady Anita Herczegh arrived in the country on Monday.

They were both received at state house by President Uhuru and the First lady Margaret Kenyatta.

The leader was in Kenya for a 4 day visit making him the first president of the republic of Hungary to visit since the European nation became the 6th country to setup diplomatic presence in Nairobi in 1964.



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