
Wahu Starlet Murder: Fresh Twist As Investigations Link Prime Suspect To Serial Murder

Prime suspect in the murder of 26 year-old Starlet Wahu Mwangi could be a serial killer and extortionist.

The Police have widened their probe into the theories following new developments and statements recorded.

The motive of the murder of Wahu who was a sister to evangelist Pastor Kanyari remains unrevealed.

On Saturday the investigations took a different twist after more victims emerged to write statements of assaults that happened, extortion and attempts on their lives by the 30-year-old Matara.

He told police he is a graphic designer. He added the deceased woman first attacked him unprovoked before he retaliated and stabbed her in the thigh raptureing a vein.

One of the women claimed that she fell victim to the suspect on December 29 last year, days after meeting on a dating site.

The victim described her encounter with Matara on a dating site before booking an Air BnB, where he initiated a violent assault, demanding access to her financial accounts.
police findings show Matara might be a serial killer targeting women through online dating platforms.

“He did bad things to me and asked for my accounts and asked me to transfer the money to him,” she added.

The victim, who requested to remain anonymous, identified Matara as the perpetrator after news of Wahu’s murder spread, confirming that the individual matched the person she encountered.

“It is the same guy…the number posted by DCI is the same guy I can testify that I used to transfer money to him which is John Ongoa Mtara,” the victim narrated.

The shocking revelations come after Wahu, who was murdered in an AirBnB in Nairobi’s South B, on January 3 was buried at her parents’ home in Kamulu area of Ruai on Saturday January 6.

Her lifeless body was discovered on Thursday January 4 morning, shortly after checking into the apartment on Wednesday night.

Video surveillance from Papino apartments captured Wahu and Matara entering an elevator within the apartment block on Wednesday, before disembarking on the fourth floor and proceeding to the room which they had reportedly rented for a night.

Judy Nyongesa Macadara police boss said discovered the deceased’s lifeless body lying in a pool of blood inside the apartment after the security at the AirBnB reported the matter to the authorities.

Matara reportedly hastily left the premises on Thursday morning wearing blood-stained clothes.

He was arrested at Mbagathi hospital where he took himself for treatment for a stab wound to leg and hands.

Police believe he inflicted the wound on himself to mislead the investigators.

A post-mortem examination conducted on the body of Wahu on Friday January 5 revealed that she died due to excessive bleeding caused by stabbing.

Reports further indicate that there were signs of a struggle between Scarlet Wahu and her killer, as the scene appeared bloody and chaotic.

Police further discovered a HIV testing kits, a used condom, bhang, a bottle of alcohol and a blood-stained kitchen knife, believed to be the murder weapon, at the scene.

The suspect was produced in court and police were allowed to hold him for 21 days pending further probe.


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