How to pay NHIF via mpesa

A Comprehensive Guide on How to Pay NHIF via M-Pesa

The National Hospital Insurance Fund (NHIF) plays a crucial role in ensuring affordable and accessible healthcare services for Kenyan citizens. One convenient way to contribute to NHIF is through mobile payment services like M-Pesa. In this article, we will provide a step-by-step guide on how to pay NHIF via M-Pesa, making the process seamless for individuals seeking to fulfill their healthcare obligations.

Understanding NHIF Contributions

Before delving into the payment process, it’s essential to understand the importance of NHIF contributions. NHIF is a social health insurance provider in Kenya, tasked with facilitating access to quality healthcare for its members. Regular contributions are mandatory for employed individuals, ensuring that they have access to medical services when needed.

Step-by-Step Guide to Pay NHIF via M-Pesa:

1.Ensure You Have Sufficient M-Pesa Balance

Check your M-Pesa account balance to ensure you have enough funds to cover the NHIF contribution.

2.Access M-Pesa on Your Phone

Dial 15000# on your mobile phone to access the M-Pesa menu.
Select “Lipa Na M-Pesa”:

Choose the “Lipa Na M-Pesa” option from the menu.
Choose “Pay Bill”:

Select the “Pay Bill” option to initiate a payment to NHIF.
Enter NHIF Business Number:

Enter the NHIF Paybill number, which is 200222.

3.Enter Your NHIF Account Number

Input your NHIF account number as the account number.

4.Enter the Amount:

Specify the amount you wish to contribute. Ensure it aligns with your NHIF contribution tier.

5.Enter M-Pesa PIN

Enter your M-Pesa PIN to confirm the transaction.
Verify Transaction Details:

Review the transaction details displayed on your phone screen to confirm accuracy.

6.Receive M-Pesa Confirmation SMS

Wait for the M-Pesa confirmation SMS confirming the successful payment.

7.NHIF Acknowledgment SMS

Shortly after the M-Pesa confirmation, you should receive an acknowledgment SMS from NHIF confirming your payment.
Benefits of Paying NHIF via M-Pesa:


M-Pesa offers a convenient and accessible platform for NHIF contributions, allowing individuals to make payments from the comfort of their homes or workplaces.

9.Instant Confirmation

Payments made through M-Pesa are swiftly confirmed through SMS notifications, providing immediate assurance that your contribution has been received.

10. 24/7 Accessibility:

M-Pesa operates 24/7, providing users with the flexibility to make NHIF payments at any time, including weekends and holidays.

11.Transaction Security:

M-Pesa employs robust security measures, ensuring the safety of your financial transactions, and reducing the risk of fraud.

Paying NHIF contributions through M-Pesa streamlines the process, offering a user-friendly and efficient way for individuals to fulfill their healthcare obligations. The convenience, instant confirmation, and accessibility make this method a preferred choice for many Kenyans. As the healthcare landscape continues to evolve, leveraging digital platforms like M-Pesa ensures that citizens can contribute to NHIF seamlessly, ultimately supporting the goal of universal health coverage in Kenya.


1.What is the Paybill number for NHIF 2023?

The National Health Insurance Fund (NHIF) notifies all Members and Employers that with effect from 8 December 2023, all NHIF payments through mobile money platforms shall only be made through the Government Pay bill Number 222222.

2.How much should I pay for NHIF per month?

Every registered self-employed member is required to make a monthly contribution of KES 500 to their accounts. Existing members are required to pay on or before the 9th of the following month to avoid penalties

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