
Ex-Murder Convict Kills Two Brothers In Land Feud In Meru.

Police in Meru, Igembe South are searching for a man who is said to have killed his two brothers over land feud.

Stanley had just retuned home after serving 14 years in jail for allegedly chopping off someone’s hand a few years ago.

He is said to have murdered his two brothers in two different occasions in what residents say was out of a family land feud.

The suspect is said to have committed the killings in December and January. He reportedly chopped off his brother’s hand in January which led to his death after severe bleeding.

Residents claim that Stanley had openly vowed to wipe out his entire family including grandparents.

The area chief said the convict had been spotted on several occasions roaming the area with a machete.

“I’m convinced there are individuals who are aiding the suspect from arrest by offering him information and food. “said the area chief

The police division in the area have launched a manhunt.



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