
Raila on Kalonzo’s bid to the next election

Addressing residents at Siaya on Sunday during Oburu Odinga’s 80th birthday, Raila Odinga showed what was termed by many as vision to support the Wiper party leader Kalonzo Musyoka in the 2027 presidential elections. He stated that Kalonzo has so far proved that He is the best for the seat and should be given a chance. “Kalonzo Musyoka has been steadfast and with us since KANU days. He has served since then. We left KANU and formed NARC which liberated this country. He also joined us in forming the ODM party and the now Azimio la Umoja One Kenya Coalition,” Odinga stated. Odinga also mentioned that one of them, that is, either Kalonzo or him will be part of the candidates in 2027 presidential race and that the president should stop trying to divide th

e party by suggesting that Mr Odinga will not be running for the race. “I want the President to know that we will stand with Kalonzo Musyoka to the end and his attempts to divide us will not succeed.   Azimio’s leader spoke this amidst the president’s plea to the two leaders to work with him. The president wanted the ODM leader to support him in the coming elections to show gratitude for the support he offered him in the year 2007 as he was recorded last week while he was visiting Nyanza region for four days but Odinga terms this as a misdemeanors act. Earlier the president was on record asking the wiper leader Kalonzo Musyoka to join hands with him, but the attempts have since been unsuccessful.

Kalonzo Musyoka further stated that whoever gets into the race with President Ruto coming elections will have a walkover in the park since Kenyans are exhausted of the state of the nation that he has subjected them to. He promised him a tough race. In addition to that, the leaders who attended the celebrations also had something to say. Majority focused on the slides that the President has made so far and urged him to focus on more important issues like the high cost of living and the rising fuel prices that are choking Kenyans rather than focusing on elections that are upcoming. “If Baba says that he is going to try again we will support him and if he decides to support Kalonzo, we will be behind to obey,” Eugene Wamalwa stated. Oburu Odinga did not leave a stone unturned and mentioned to the president  that he should place His mouth where the money is indicating that the president should focus on the issues at hand. He also urged that the president should deliver the promises that he made when he was campaigning that he would finish project on the land of Siaya, but much is yet to be done. The last elections did not go unmentioned by the attendees of the birthday who still stick to the claims that elections were rigged and that truth has to be found before proceeding to the next elections whose songs have started being praised.


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