
Sylvanus Osoro a wanted man by EACC

Mugirango south Member of Parliament and National Assembly Majority Whip, Sylvanus Osoro is in danger over remarks he made during a political function he attended in Bomet county.

Osoro claims that in the event that the members of parliament want to leave for foreign trips, they leave money in his office. He claimed that his long term stay in government sets a clear view of the amount of wealth he possesses.

“I will make you line up in the queue and each one of you will get something. I have been in parliament for a long time now,” said Osoro.

“I am the Chief whip; I am the leader for all these leaders. If they want to go abroad, I tell them to give me something and they can leave,” Osoro added during the speech which sounded like casual.

He made these utterances on October 29, while at the National Government Affirmative Action Fund (NGAAF) event that was organized by Bomet Women Representative Linet Chepkorir, known by many as Toto.

The Ethics and Anti Corruption Commission (EACC), through their deputy Chief Executive Officer (CEO), ordered the South Mugirango Member of Parliament to present himself at the Integrity Centre headquarters, on November 6 at 9 am to record a statement. Osoro is expected to shed light on the remarks where he claimed he receives bribes from fellow Members of Parliament something that they denied.

“The Commission notes that these allegations constitute serious ethical issues and if true would amount to a serious breach of the integrity and ethical requirements governing the conduct of State officers as laid out under Chapter Six of the Constitution and the Leadership and Integrity Act, 2012.” Abdi noted.

“To this end, you are required to appear at the Ethics and Anti-Corruption Commission’s headquarters at Integrity Centre, Nairobi on 6th November 2023 at 09:00 am to shed light on the allegations, interview, and statement recording,”

In addition, EACC affirmed that it had launched investigations into the sentiments and allegations that Osoro made terming them as serious ethical issues.

These allegations further put the Kenya Kwanza government and the representatives of it in limelight since it will expose the lack of integrity in the system that the common Kenyans are relying on. This will however be proved if the allegations will be substantiated.



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